Topkapi Palace was built by Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror in 1478, the construction of the Dolmabahce Palace Sultan Abdülmecid State's administrative headquarters and nearly 380 years has been the official residence of Ottoman sultans. In its formative years in an area of approximately 700 000 m. ² area of the Palace today 80 000 sq m. dir.Topkapı Palace, Dolmabahce Palace, the people, Star and others were evacuated with the start to live in palaces. After being abandoned by the Sultans or the Topkapi Palace, many officials have not lost any significance. When time was restored palace. In the month of Ramadan, the Sultan and his family visited by the Office of the Holy Relics to be maintained every year is a separate attention.
Topkapi Palace, the first time, almost like a museum opened to visitors Abdulmecid (1839-1861) period are found. At that time the British ambassador to the items shown in the Topkapi Palace Treasury. After that, the Topkapi Palace Treasury in the ancient works of foreigners show become a tradition, and the Sultan Abdul Aziz (1861-1876) time, ampir style in the antics windows are made, the Treasury's previous works, the display cases in foreigners to be shown begins. Sultan II. Abdul Hamid (1876-1909) was dethroned in the Topkapi Palace Treasury-i Hümâyûn'un during Sunday and Tuesday to be opened to the public yet it never realized it was thought.
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, by order of April 3, 1924 on to the public to be opened in Istanbul Asar-ı Atika Museums Directorate and connecting to Topkapi Palace, before the Treasury Chamberlain, then the Treasury Directorate with the name began to serve, and finally the Topkapı Palace Museum Directorate under the name of providing service continues.
Offical Website: www.topkapisarayi.gov.tr
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